Need to speak to a lawyer about a criminal matter? Book in a Free of Charge meeting today.

Who we are.

All law firms say they are different. We actually are.

We have completely re-thought the practice of law and the running of a law firm so that it benefits you.

Here’s a secret – the reason legal services have traditionally been so expensive? Many lawyers still run their law firms in an old fashioned and outdated way.

This means that you pay more than you need to for legal fees at other law firms because many lawyers won’t adapt and update the way they run their law firms to suit their clients first and foremost. 

This means many unnecessary overheads are passed on to you, which we just don’t agree with. 

It’s now 2025. We have structured our business so that we are practising law for 2025 and most importantly, for you. 

Deliberately different.

We have re-thought the need for many of the overheads traditionally associated with law offices, and done away with the overheads that are no longer necessary in 2020. That way, you pay no more than you need to for high quality, tailored legal representation.

We offer many locations for you to meet us. You pick the one that suits you best.

We don’t waste time and cost printing out piles of documents and keeping huge files. We rely on technology to work more efficiently. You’ll get more efficient legal representation from our law firm.

You’ll be able to contact us any time from anywhere. We’re accessible through various digital and traditional communication methods. Pick your preferred communication method and you’ll be able to speak to us any time that suits you. 

We offer affordable Online Legal Services so that you can get on with life and not wait to get legal advice or legal documents.

Due to us structuring our legal business differently, you are in control and the service will be exceptional. We structure our fees based on this deliberately different, high quality legal service.

Andrew Byrnes is talking to Ash

If you need a deliberately different criminal lawyer in Canberra, Queanbeyan, Goulburn, Wollongong and surrounds who offers a competitive price based on this deliberate difference, you need us.

Fearless fighters.

The team at Andrew Byrnes Law Group stands side by side

If your case is in Court, rest assured – we’ve handled everything from high profile cases in the highest Courts all the way down to the smaller cases.

Our lawyers are experienced hands at aggressively fighting battles in Court in order to get the best possible result for you in your case. 

When push comes to shove, we don’t shy away from a fight – we got into law to pick a fight.

So, when it comes time to fight for your rights or to have the fight for your life, you need someone who is fearlessly ready for a fight, not somebody who is just going to turn up on the day and go through the motions.

You need us.

Some of our battles.

A law firm that gives back.

We will give 1% of our pre-tax profits to local and national charities.

A law firm that gives away its money. Sounds crazy, right? 

We thought so too, and that’s why we are doing it. It’s part of our deliberate difference from the rest. We don’t care about being part of the top 1% – we’re giving away 1% instead. 

We care about the local community, and we genuinely want to ensure that our business successes are passed on to the community that has given us so much. 

This program, called the “let’s give back” program, is unique in the legal industry. 

The program is simple. Every quarter, we will select a charity to give 1% of our pre-tax profits to. It’s no more complicated than that.

What Our Valued Clients Say

About the Canberra Lawyers at Andrew Byrnes Law Group.

Andrew Byrnes - one of the best Canberra solicitors

Accused of a Crime or Arrested and Charged With One?

Speak to a criminal lawyer at our Canberra law firm and get the legal advice and representation you deserve.

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